Siriki Ky

Burkina Faso


About This Project

This theme is very broad and can be appreciated from several angles. Siriki Ky humbly thinks that it is up to artists and the public to sublimate this meeting. For him, sculpting in this wonderful park in Saint-Georges is in itself “subliminal”. This act full of meaning and sharing, which is to invite sculptors to an artistic rendez-vous, sublimates in its meaning everything that took place there (meeting between artists and public, meeting between artists and artists and meeting between artists, public and organizers) . He usually works bronze on the spot to allow visitors to see the ancestral technique of fabrication. This wax casting technique is carried out outside due to the fact that Siriki bakes the molds with wood and the melting of the bronze is made in a forge mill carried out in a half barrel of oil and charcoal.