Jennifer Macklem


(Ottawa, Ontario)


TAKING FLIGHT glass and metal

About This Project

Jennifer Macklem has a strong interest in the dragonflies. With their unique anatomy those small beings are true wonders. She worries about their survival though. The dragonfly has been on earth for at least 300 million years, compared to humans who has been on earth for 6 million years. Environmental change has caused the partial extinction of the animal world. Species of turtles, frogs and birds no longer exist. The sculpture “Taking flight” is a monumental dragonfly wing. Like a dragonfly, the sculpture is not fixed. Its rotative system simulates the complexity and the ingenuity of the “small wonder”.  People are invited to play with the sculpture, to turn it and move it. Although stained-glass window had been abundantly used in sacred places, we want to pay tribute to earthly life here. A well thought out visual delight!