Nedim Hadziahmetovic




MYTHE metal

About This Project

The sculpture of Nedim Hadzi Ahmetovic depicts a Centaur at the very moment following the liberation, when the eyes are following the arrow toward the target. The composition of the upper torso and the left hand is a figurative and expressive realism. The bow and the lower part of the sculpture are, for their part, more at a geometric abstract level, kind of vertical cascade of binary volume of zero and one. The composition of both figurative and geometric elements is an intimate expression that the sculptor introduced in 2015, allowing him to consolidate post-modern art with abstract and figurative art. This generally refers to the subject and is for the consolidation of classical and modern values. This is a tendency to create new visual values rooted in Greek mythology and other sources, as well as in modern and contemporary standards, consequently giving a visual escape readable for most people. At the age of fast-growing technology and communications mostly virtual, social and cultural values are fading away, and we must continue our trend towards more natural ways of existence.  A pure visual delight!